Tuesday, 30 August 2022 03:37

Leveled Class

National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Leveled Instruction of Freshmen and Sophomore Students Guidelines

Approved at the 35th Academic Affairs Meeting on March 25th, Academic Year 2003Approved at the 74th Academic Affairs Meeting on June1st, Academic Year 2012

1 These guidelines were established in accordance with the aim of advancing YunTech students’ English proficiency and acquiring proper education based on individual differences.
2 Implementation Method: Freshmen students will be divided into different classes according to their scores on the entrance examination. For entries without examination score, they will be divided randomly.
3 The Language Center is in charge of all English examinations, calculation of scores and class schedules.
4 These guidelines are executed by the Main Coordinator of the Language Center. Several teachers appointed by the Main Coordinator are in charge of particular levels.
5 In order to achieve fairness and consistency in teaching, specific teaching goals, teaching methods, teaching materials, and scoring standards are designed to correspond to each respective level.
6 The Language Center is responsible for designing further guidelines on leveled instruction of freshmen and sophomore students.
7 These guidelines are active once the Academic Affairs Meeting approves of them and the Principal verifies them. The same process will be applied when a correction or update is required.

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