Friday, 04 March 2022 07:06

Funding Application for Graduate Student Attending International Academic Conference




(一)  申請表
(二)   論文被接受之證明文件影本
(三)   擬發表之論文全文或摘要影本
(四)   國際會議日程有關資料


(一)   補助總金額最高新台幣2萬元。
(二)   申請補助項目:
         1. 由國內至國際會議舉行地點最直接航程之本國籍往返經濟艙機票或船票

          2. 出席會議之註冊費




(一) 申請人須為本校已註冊之在學博、碩士班一般研究生,所發表之論文須以本校名義為之,且係在本校完成尚未發表者。

(二) 每一篇論文以一人申請補助為限。

(三) 每一申請人於同一會計年度內以補助一次為限。

(四) 參加之會議若為線上會議方式辦理,申請表上之地點請填列線上,並同時填列主辦方之國別。

(五) 學生出國前請先至「學生請假系統 」辦理公差假申請(無課時間及寒暑假也須事先請假才可辦理核銷)。


七、聯絡方式:國際事務處李小姐 分機2381,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Funding Application for Graduate Student Attending International Academic Conference


2022 Funding Application for Graduate Student Attending International Academic Conference is accepted
from now on to 17:00 pm., Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

The application will be processed on a rolling basis until the appropriation of the special account for that
year is exhausted. When the annual subsidy funds are exhausted, the applications will no longer be accepted.

I.  Applicants should first apply for subsidies from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) or other units. 
    Those who have not received subsidies can apply for subsidies from YunTech.

II. Applicants should prepare the following documents, and send them to the Office of International Affairs (OIA)
    after passed the preliminary review by their department (signed by the applicant, advisor, department staff 
    and supervisor of the department) no later than the date of conference.

  1. Application form
  2.  Acceptance Letter
  3.  Abstract or Full paper
  4.  Agenda and information of the conference

III.  About the Grant:

  1. The total amount of subsidy is up to NT$20,000
  2. Grant Item (grantees have to pay by themselves in advance)
    (1) Round-trip economy class ticket fee (directly from Taiwan to the location of conference) 

    (2) Registration Fee

IV. After the subsidy is approved, those who have not gone abroad or any change (time, place, etc.) for some reasons
     have to inform the OIA contact person.

V. Notice

  1. Applicants have to be graduate Students with YunTech academic status (excluding In-Service education
    program student). The paper applied for funding is accomplished and will be published with the credit to the University

    (YunTech), and have been completed in the school but have not yet been published.
  2. About the co-authored papers, the grant shall be limited to one graduate student per paper.
  3. Each graduate student can only be granted once per year.
  4. If the conference to be attended is conducted online, applicants should fill in “online” on the location field
    of the application form, and also fill in the country of the organizer.
  5. Grantee must apply for official business leave for going abroad on the Student Leave Application Online System
    (in YunTech SSO) in advance. Students participating in various activities on weekdays r holidays (including summer

    and winter vacation) for an official purpose, with no courses scheduled at YunTech during the leave,
    are still required to log into the Student Leave Application Online System to apply for leave.

VI. For more information, please go to the website

VII.     Contact person: Ms. Li, #2381, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 國際事務處 Office of International Affairs謹啟

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