Friday, 12 August 2022 07:34

【FW】Free Virtual Public Lecture on Environmental Education under Sponsorship from Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Grant

The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) and Centre for Environment and Green Technology (CEGT) of UTAR will be organising a free virtual public lecture on environmental education under sponsorship from Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) grant.

This public lecture is open to all staff and students (including the public) and aims to expose the participants and public on the importance of environmental protection. It is also to introduce and learn the successful Japanese way of environmental protection and education

The public lecture will introduce the history, educational impact, cooperation with the stakeholders, problems faced, current situation for environmental education and nature conservation with specific focus on “Firefly” which has been carried out by a volunteer group at Nagareyama City in Japan.

The second part of the lecture will be focusing on solid waste management issues. It will revisit the history of how Japan had been dealing with waste management issues and what can be learned from it to be best applied in Malaysia.  It will also introduce the recent grass-root level efforts of community and general public in 3R activities for resources recovery and waste minimization.

So, join us to explore and learn more on interesting environmental topics from Japanese experts in Environmental Education and Nature Conservation – a success story in Nagareyama City and an expert in Waste Management cum environment planning consultant sharing on Japanese Experience in Solid Waste Management.


Date: 27 August 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 1PM - 4PM (Malaysia Time)

          2PM – 5PM (Japan Time)

Platform: Zoom

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81546686260?pwd=bUphV0loSWxOTmYyU1N2c1JsTmdwZz09 Meeting ID: 815 4668 6260 Passcode: 716923

Language: English
Registration is FREE!!!!! 
We look forward to your participation!

Scan the QR Code on the poster or click on the link below to register for the public lecture!

Registration link:

Link: https://forms.office.com/r/qHrzaiBmvA

qr code.png


Feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries. Email: Ms Ching Suet Ling (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dr Leong Sim Siong (leongssThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

UTAR students are eligible to claim 5 USSDC points under Lifelong Learning, while UTAR staff are eligible to claim 3 CPD points.  


Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT), UTAR, Malaysia

Centre for Environment and Green Technology (CEGT), UTAR, Malaysia

Sponsored by: Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO), Japan


About the speakers:

Mr. Munehiro FUKUDA

Recipient of the JICA President Award for the contribution in Asian countries in environmental field in 2021     Member of NPO “CommuNet Nagareyama” With Sowa Consultant Inc. until 2021



President Group of Nagareyama Field of Firefly

Kanto Gakuin University, Electrical Engineering B.Sc.

Environmental Education and Nature Conservation at Nagareyama City   - “Field of Firefly”


Mr. Satoshi SUGIMOTO

Acting Director, Overseas Environmental Consulting Department EX Research Institute, Co., Ltd. Japan Environment planning consultant with more than 30 years of experience Chief Adviser of JICA Technical Cooperation for Development of Household E-waste Management Mechanism in Malaysia Waste management expert under JICA, ADB, the World Bank in many countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and other areas in the world.

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