週五, 27 八月 2021 03:38


I-1-1 商務管理英文教學大綱


                           (英文 English)Business Management English

 科目代碼:  ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2


  1. At least CEF midway B1 (equivalent to550 points on the TOEIC test). The course aims to help students develop a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments in business without conspicuously searching for words, while making use of complex sentence forms.
  2. Ability to express oneself with confidence.
  3. Development of autonomous learning skills.
  4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions

教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:

 The Business Management English Course is suitable for intermediate level students aiming for a high intermediate level (C.E.F. B1 proceeding to B2) who wish to develop greater communication skills. It is especially useful to students who anticipate working in a team while also making executive decisions in the completion of company projects. In this course students will learn how to use English to arrange and conduct group meetings, organize group projects, assert their point of view, accept or reject other team members’ opinions, monitor team members’ efforts, conduct presentations, participate in boardroom style meetings, resolve group disagreements, write a business report and so on. Relying on material from the worldwide popular TV show “The Apprentice”, students will first observe how real professionals manage their team projects and will then have a discussion surrounding this. Thereafter, students will be put in simulated business situations and perform a variety of professional roles.

 系所主管簽章:  年  月  日  學年度第  次系所務會議通過。


I-1-2 商務管理英文課程規劃
Business Management English Course Description

Course Outline

 The Business Management English Course is suitable for students aiming for a high elementary to intermediate level (C.E.F. High A2-B1) who wish to develop greater communication skills in areas such as group meetings, standard presentations and standard business letters and reports. It is especially useful to students who anticipate working in a team while also making executive decisions in the completion of company projects.

  1. At least CEF High A2-B1 (equivalent to 387-550 points on the TOEIC test). The course aims to help students develop a high frequency of commonly used business-related words, phrases and sentences structures. Students will learn a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to give clear descriptions of concrete, routinely encountered issues in business. Students will also learn how to express the main points of their opinions with respect to ideas or problems with appropriate precision.
  2. Ability to express oneself with confidence.
  3. Development of autonomous learning skills.
  4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions.
Course Criteria


2 credits, 1 semester


  1. Students will be given a pretest, mid-term and final exam based on the learning content and which will be at the level of High A2-B1 on the C.E.F. Each exam will count 30% of their total grade.
  2. Students will be given a mock TOEIC test and are expected to attain a grade of at least 387 points. This will account for 20 % of their course grade.
  3. Attendance, class participation, homework and short quizzes will account for 20 % of the students’ grade.

Learning Content

 In this course students will learn how to use English to provide clear descriptions of concrete issues routinely encountered in business when engaged in group meetings, organizing group projects, conducting presentations, participating in boardroom style meetings, writing a business report and so on. Students will also learn how to express the main points of their opinions with appropriate precision when asserting their point of view, accepting or rejecting other team members’ opinions, resolving group disagreements, monitoring team members’ efforts, etc.
 Relying on material from the worldwide popular TV show “The Apprentice”, students will first observe how real professionals manage their team projects and will then have a discussion surrounding this. Thereafter, students will be put in simulated business situations and will be coached on successfully performing a variety of professional roles.







Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in business.
Can understand the main points of many radio or TV programs on current affairs in business, provided the delivery is clear.

Spoken Interaction:

Can deal with most common situations regularly encountered in business. Can enter unprepared into conversation on common, regularly encountered topics in business.

Spoken Production:

Can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe familiar business experiences, events, plans, etc. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Can narrate a story or relate the plot of contemporary business-related novel or self-growth books and describe one’s reactions.

Can understand texts that consist mainly of a high frequency of commonly used business related language. Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes, etc. in standard business letters.

Can write concise connected texts on familiar topics regularly encountered in business Can write standard business letters describing events, feelings, wishes, etc.


1. T.V. show: "The Apprentice"

2. Website: 

2.1 BBC Business English

2.2 City and Guilds (English for Business Communication)

Jobs that the students
who have completed
the course can apply for

 This course is useful for students who anticipate working in a team and/or making executive decisions in the completion of company projects. It therefore covers a wide range of professionals.




                           (英文 English)Travel English

 科目代碼:  ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2


  1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 387 points on the TOEIC test)
  2. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to travel in their jobs.
  3. While students may be able to function in English within their own fields, too often they just don’t have the language skills to survive in every-day situations like those encountered while traveling.  Therefore, the objective of this course is to focus on real-life situations and present them in realistic contexts.
  4. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and survival in certain situations; i.e., ordering in a restaurant, making hotel reservations, using public transportation, going through immigration and customs at an international airport, etc.
  5. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to survive in the social and economic milieu of international travel and its interaction with speakers of English.

教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:


 Course outline and content:Survival English for Travelers is a course for all university students who will be required, in their professional life, to travel internationally and interact with speakers of English. The course will cover a number of real-life situations that professionals would encounter while traveling for their jobs. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but the practical transactions as well that all international travelers have to deal with while making their way in a global economy.

 The content of the course is derived from Survival English: International Communication for Professional People by Peter Viney as well as other sources. The textbook contains forty-eight units that deal with a variety of topics related to international travel. Among these units that teach language, grammar, and cultural differences are topics related to using public transportation, checking in and out of hotels, ordering food in different types of restaurants, making various types of reservations (theater, flight, hotel, restaurant, etc.), understanding time zone differences, the stages for taking international flights, attending business events, attending social events, etc. The comprehensiveness of the content of the textbook is one of its greatest assets for this type of course, and students should benefit greatly from it.

 系所主管簽章:  年  月  日  學年度第  次系所務會議通過。


I-2-2 旅遊英文課程規劃
Travel English Course Description

Course Outline

 Travel English is a course for all university students who will be required, in their professional life, to travel internationally and interact with speakers of English.

 The course will cover a number of real-life situations that professionals would encounter while traveling for their jobs. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but the practical transactions as well that all international travelers have to deal with while making their way in a global economy.

  1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test).
  2. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to travel in their jobs.
  3. While students may be able to function in English within their own fields, too often they just don’t have the language skills to survive in every-day situations ike those encountered while traveling. Therefore, the objective of this course is to focus on real-life situations and present them in realistic contexts.
  4. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and survival in certain situations; i.e., ordering in a restaurant, making hotel reservations, using public transportation, going through immigration and customs at an international airport, etc.
  5. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to survive in the social and economic milieu of international travel and its interaction with speakers of English.


3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework
Course Criteria


2 credits, 1 semester


  1. Midterm and final examinations 40%

  2. Quizzes over lecture content  10%

  3. Homework assignments  30%

  4. Attendance and participation  20%


Learning Content

 The content of the course is derived from Survival English: International Communication for Professional People by Peter Viney as well as other sources. The textbook contains forty-eight units that deal with a variety of topics related to international travel. Among these units that teach language, grammar, and cultural differences are topics related to using public transportation, checking in and out of hotels, ordering food in different types of restaurants, making various types of reservations (theater, flight, hotel, restaurant, etc.), understanding time zone differences, the stages for taking international flights, attending business events, attending social events, etc. The comprehensiveness of the content of the textbook is one of its greatest assets for this type of course, and students should benefit greatly from it.







 I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

Spoken Interaction:

I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

Spoken Production:

I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence.

I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

 I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

 I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing.


Survival English: International Communication for Professional People  by Peter

Viney; Macmillan Education, 2004.

Jobs that the students
who have completed
the course can apply for

 Students who intend to pursue any career in any field that requires international travel will benefit from this course.




          (英文 English)English Presentation Skills for Designers

科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2


  1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 387 points on the TOEIC test)
  2. The objective of this course is to teach design students the essential skills necessary for them to give effective presentations for design projects in English. In order to accomplish this, they will learn to organize their thought process, to understand the accepted structure of an effective presentation, and how to deal with questions at the conclusion
  3. Another important objective is that students should gain the necessary confidence required for them to use English in this capacity.
  4. Among some of the vital skills they will cultivate are vocal and non-verbal delivery, the use of visuals, and survival techniques, e.g., coping with the anxiety of public speaking.
  5. Ultimately, students should be able to take these skills with them into the sphere of the professional designer and be better equipped to compete in the evolving economy of the twenty-first century.

教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:

 Course outline and content:English Presentation Skills for Designers is a course for design students who will be required, in their professional life, to give frequent presentations in English. The course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience.

 The content of the course is broken down into six units from English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Let’s Get Started deals with the topics of welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Today’s Topic Is … introduces the subject of body language and affords tips for presenting to an English-speaking audience. Unit Three: My Next Slide Shows … provides information about presentation tools, using approximate numbers, creating effective visuals, and presenting visuals effectively. Unit Four: As You Can See from This Graph … covers the types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals, and offers tips for describing trends. Unit Five: To Sum up … discusses how to conclude your presentation and strategies for a good conclusion. Unit Six: Any Questions? concludes the material with tips on how to handle question and answer sessions.

系所主管簽章:  年  月  日  學年度第  次系所務會議通過。


English Presentation Skills for Designers Course Description

Course Outline

 English Presentation Skills for Designers is a course for design students who will be required, in their professional life, to give frequent presentations in English. The course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience.

  1. The course is for students with at least a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on  the TOEIC           test).   

  2. The objective of this course is to teach design students the essential skills necessary for them to give     effective presentations for design projects in English.  In order to accomplish this, they will learn  to organize their thought process, to understand the    accepted structure of an effective presentation, and how to deal with questions at the conclusion.

  3. Another important objective is that students should gain the necessary confidence required for them to use English in this capacity.

  4. Among some of the vital skills they will cultivate are vocal and non-verbal delivery,the use of visuals,and survival techniques, e.g.,coping with the anxiety of public speaking.   

  5. Ultimately, students should be able to take these skills with them into the sphere of the professional designer and be better equipped to compete in the evolving economy of the twenty-first century.

Vocabulary Requirement

3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework.
Course Criteria




  1. Midterm and final examinations 40%

  2. Quizzes over lecture content 10%

  3. Presentations 30%

  4. Attendance and participation 20%

Learning Content

 The content of the course is broken down into six units from English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Let’s Get Started deals with the topics of welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Today’s Topic Is … introduces the subject of body language and affords tips for presenting to an English-speaking audience. Unit Three: My Next Slide Shows … provides information about presentation tools, using approximate numbers, creating effective visuals, and presenting visuals effectively. Unit Four: As You Can See from This Graph … covers the types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals, and offers tips for describing trends. Unit Five: To Sum up … discusses how to conclude your presentation and strategies for a good conclusion. Unit Six: Any Questions? concludes the material with tips on how to handle question and answer sessions.







I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

Spoken Interaction

I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

Spoken Production

I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence.

I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing experiences and impressions.


English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Jobs that the students
who have completed
the course can apply for

 Students who intend to pursue a career in business and especially design will benefit from this course.




          (英文 English)Career English

科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2



教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:

  1. 以真人實例來說明不同產業的工作特質,例如:人才招募顧問、市場行銷實習生等,讓學習者了解不同職務的工作項目及內容。
  2. 提供如何在職場中發揮能力的小技巧,例如:減低緊張的方法等。提供學習者了解如何在職場中與同事溝通及社交生活的模式。
  3. 提供職場常用的信件寫作範例,涵蓋公告、正式及非正式電子郵件、正式報告、履歷等書信練習。
  4. 職場中常見的語言應用、職場應對技巧、各領域工作範疇的介紹等;讓學習者對各工作領域有更清楚的概念,有助於未來選擇工作的方向。
系所主管簽章:  年  月  日  學年度第  次系所務會議通過。


Career English Course Description

Course Outline

 Business English for Career is a course for all university students who will be required to use English to interact with speakers of English in their professional life. The course will cover a number of real-life business situations that professionals would encounter. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but also practical transactions.

  1. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to use English to communicate for different purposes.
  2. The objective of this course is to focus on real-life business situations andpresent them in realistic contexts
  3. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and negotiating in certain situations; i.e., interviewing, ordering goods, giving presentation, etc.
  4. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to handle daily business affairs in their career.


 3000 words
Course Criteria


2 credit hours


  1. Midterm and final examinations : 50%

  2. Homework assignments: 30%

  3. Attendance and participation : 20%

Learning Content

 The content of the course will be based on the textbook, “English for Business Life.” It focuses on business English communication in a wide range of businesses, countries and cultures.
 It also stresses the core language needed in business life that will help students to participate successfully in the global workplace.
The course follows a progressive and comprehensive grammar syllabus, with the emphasis on the effective use of grammar for clear communication in business life.







 Students will be able to understand clear standard English on familiar business matters.


 Students can deliver effective presentations in English, give reasons and explanations.

 Students can read independently to comprehend the meaning of a text.

 Students will be asked to write emails, official business letters and reports.


English for Business Life by Ian Badger and Pete Menzies: Marshall Education, 2005.

Jobs that the students
who have completed
the course can apply for

 Students who would like to work in international companies in which English is used on daily bases will benefit from this course.




          (英文 English)Technical English

科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2



教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:




系所主管簽章:  年  月  日  學年度第  次系所務會議通過。


Technical English Course Description

Course Outline

  • 以英語學習科技領域的各種基本知識;著重職場應用。
  • 學習科技用詞以及英語文法、句型結構、文章段落結構。
  • 以科技為主題,訓練聽力、閱讀技巧、簡報等能力。
  1. 增強英語基礎能力

  2. 提高學習興趣與動機

  3. 加強學習方法與自信心

  4. 配合職場上的需要,增加就業力

Course Criteria





Learning Content








  • 能聽懂科技產業
  • 中淺易英語談話。
  • 能用英語做簡報,並自行收集、整理簡報內容
  • 能用英語進行簡易對答。
  • 能閱讀以科技為主題的文章,能理解每一段及整篇文章的重點。
  • 了解廣告文宣、商品標籤。
  • 能了解基本文法,並寫出描述因果、時間等關係的複合句。


  1. 教科書 TECHNOLOGY (1), Oxford English for Careers (Eric H. Glendinning)


  2. 美國IEEE、ABC NEWS 等網站資料

Jobs that the students
who have completed
the course can apply for


  1. 具備英語溝通能力之工程師
  2. 科技公司業務及行銷人員、秘書等

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