II-6-1 進階英語聽力與會話教學大綱 | ||
科目名稱(Course):(中文)進階英語聽力與會話 (英文 English)Advanced Listening and Conversational English |
科目代碼: | ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 | 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 |
教學目標(Objective): Students must perform at least B2 level on the CEF (equivalent to high intermediate levels of English proficiency on the GEPT, TOEFL and TOEIC tests). |
教學內容綱要 (Course outline and content): This course focuses on listening and speaking in academic English. The course is suitable for intermediate to advanced level students. This course continues from the intermediate listening and speaking course focusing on note-taking skills for academic lectures and offers practice giving opinions and being able to discuss lectures with fellow classmates. |
系所主管簽章: | 年 月 日 學年度第 次系所務會議通過。 |
II-6-2進階英語聽力與會話課程規劃 Advanced Listening and Conversational English Course Description |
課程綱要 Course Outline |
This course focuses on listening and speaking in academic English.The course is suitable for intermediate to advanced level students. This course continues from the intermediate listening and speaking course focusing on note-taking skills for academic lectures and offers practice giving opinions and being able to discuss lectures with fellow classmates. Emphasis will be on learning key phrases or words that will help improve students’ note-taking skills. Practice lectures will also be accompanied by note-taking quizzes. |
教學目標 Objective |
修課規定 Course Criteria |
學分 Credit(s) |
2 credits, 1 semester | ||
管考指標 Evaluation |
學習目標 Learning Content |
Lecture Ready 2: Strategies for Academic listening, note-taking and discussion contains five units with two chapters in each unit. Each unit focuses on one field of academic study. Each chapter is built around a lecture from a typical course within the field. In each chapter, students are presented with and practice listening, note-taking and discussion strategies. Chapters consist of the following components:
溝通技能 Communication Skill |
聽力 Listening |
口說 Speaking |
閱讀 Reading |
寫作 Writing |
能力敘述 Description |
Student can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. Student can understand most T.V. news and current affairs programmes. Student can understand the majority of films in standard dialect. |
Student can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. They can also take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining their views. |
建立教材 Material(s) |
Lecture Ready3: Strategies for academic listening, note-taking and discussion by Peg Sarosy and Kathy Sherak. | |||
可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for |
This course will be useful for students who may plan to live abroad, further their education in an English environment, and work in an environment which will include different nationalities, work in a professional career that may require them to confidently communicate with others in English. Students who take this course should have an interest in academic English and want to further improve their knowledge base. |