Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:14

Mid/Long-Term Plan - Preface

  One of the long-term goals for our school is to meet the need of Technological and Vocational Education development, social demand, and foster the practical experts for foreign languages. For many years, there is the stereotype that students in the Technological and Vocational school are lack of humanities cultivation and their English ability fall behind the university students. According to the evaluation report from Ministry of Education and some domestic research, technical and vocational college students are lack of foreign language ability. Therefore, to have our students be more competitive, foster them to equip basic English ability and professional skills is the priority for the university of science and technology. Moreover, to devote to promote foreign language teaching of Vocational Education, our school is active to improve students’ foreign language ability, enhance the cooperation with every field to train human source for foreign language, and participate national activity for foreign language teaching
  Our school established “Yuntech: Students’ English Basic Ability Implementation Plan” (Appendix I) at 2005 academic year. The aim of the plan which is officially carried out in 2007 academic year is to have our students’ English ability achieve certain level before graduated; the students from the Applied Foreign Language Department should pass the GEPT High-Intermediate first round and Non- Applied Foreign Language Department students should pass the GEPT Intermediate first round before graduated. To assist students in achieving this requirement, our school adds the content of GEPT in English required course for freshman and carries out the simulation test annually which occupies 10% ~30% of the class participation. Also, we execute “improve foreign language ability project”, “English Teaching/ Learning Resources Center in Central Taiwan project” and “Teaching Excellence Project”. In addition, we construct computer-supported language learning to help students’ self-learning after school. We also provide the English remedial teaching for students with low proficiency level, and encourage students with high proficiency level to attend the English Elite Program. Last but not least, we renew the soft and hard facilities with times to build up a great foreign language teaching environment.  
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