Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:35

Mid/Long-Term Plan - Short-term, mid-term, and long-term planning

1. Short-term Goals:To plan various courses and activities and improve students’ foreign language ability

(1) Yuntech: classification map of English course:Our school’s curriculum can be divided into two parts which are the formal courses with credits and the non-formal courses without credits. The students can take the courses according to the classification map to improve their basic English skills and reinforce professional skills. In addition, students who want to learn by themselves after school can take the informal courses to arouse their interests in learning English. According to the classification map, students can know the whole English curriculum well and plan their four-year study early.

(Figure 2) Yuntech: classification map of English course 



(2) Yuntech: English learning map: To make the students understand the recourses of learning English, we specially make the English learning map. There are formal courses, self-learning, and courses from other colleges on the map to help the students understand the courses, contests, and the activities. Based on the map, students can plan their study plan when they enter the school.  

(Figure 3) Yuntech: English Learning Map



(3)To combine the basic English courses of freshman and sophomore and open the ESP(English for Specific Purpose)course for the sophomore, junior and senior. For College of Engineering, there is Technology English Reading. For College of Management and College of Humanities and Applied Science, there are Career English and Business English. For College of Design, there is English Presentation Skills for Designers. We train the students from different fields and make them have English ability for their professional field to meet the need to the international job market.

(Figure 4) Yuntech: Curriculum map of ESP



(4)To promote the English Elite Program continually, focus on the students who have already pass the English requirement and encourage them to become the international exchange students.

(5)To expend the online digital learning course continually, drive the E-learning after class, and set up the good bilingual environment.

(6)To encourage the whole students to join the English proficiency test and upload the results to the sign up system for English proficiency test to sum up the numbers.

(7)To hold every kind of English contests and activities continually and integrate with the Yuntech: learning passport. Students who participate with the English contest can get the learning passport sticker; if they reach the standard then they can get the reward. 

(8)Our school was authorized by the MOE to establish the Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan since 2005. We help the MOE to promote the English Education regional alliance and plan the teaching resource sharing system. Since 2010, we reform the vocational education English courses by phases according to the policy of the MOE. We promote every school to design the short-term, mid-term, long-term planning for English courses, the professional English ability index and the curriculum such as Career English and Technology English Reading. We deepen students’ English ability for job field and train them to become international.

(9) In 2010 academic year, there are 50% of students who have join the English proficiency test in undergraduate program, and 39% of the students have passed the CEF A2 level. In addition, there are 22% of students have passed the school’s requirement. (GEPT: intermediate level- first round.)

(10) In 2012 and 2013 academic year, the percentage of students who have join the English proficiency test in undergraduate program might be 60% and 42% of the students might pass the CEF A2 level. In addition, the percentage of students who have passed the school’s requirement might be 24%. (GEPT: intermediate level -first round.) 


2Mid-term GoalsTo plan the bilingual courses and teachers and recruit the international students widely for the global competition

(1)To promote the ESP courses and add more ESP courses for whole students.

(2)The Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan promote the reform courses for English courses in Vocational education, execute the mid-term and long-term planning for English courses, and promote the alliance schools’ resources sharing system.

(3)Our school’s Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan continually promotes the sharing of English teaching resource with other school. To improve the teaching quality, students can learn by themselves after school or the teachers can take the materials as the reference. For example, the five major points of ESP Café are Career English, Business English, Technology English Reading, Travel English and Medical English to improve the students’ career English ability and share the resources of the ESP sharing platform.

(4)To respond to the low-birth rate and the reduction of Finance for education, we actively develop the international market and build up the good learning environment. Moreover, our native students should have the ability to take the course that taught in foreign language and learn with the international students.

(5)In the first semester of 2009, there were 197 courses that taught in English, such as Semiconductor Process Technology in Department of Electronic Engineering and Architectural Heritage Documentation in Department of Culture Heritage Conservation. We hope that there will be 210 courses that taught in English in 2016.

(6)We estimate that the percentage of students who have join the English proficiency test in undergraduate program will be 80% and 45% of the students will pass the CEF A2 level. In addition, the percentage of students who pass the school’s requirement (GEPT: intermediate level -first round.) will be 25% before 2014 academic year. (GEPT: intermediate level -first round.)


3. Long-term Goals:To promote the resources sharing between alliance school in central Taiwan and participate in international activities to build Yuntech as the global brand.

    According to the Yuntech: Implementation of requirements for University students’ English proficiency, We hope that more than 50% of the freshman and sophomore can reach the GEPT elementary level-first round and 28% of the students can reach the GEPT intermediate level-first round after 2017 academic year. 

    Our school will continually execute the Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan plan and promote the resources sharing system for alliance school in central Taiwan. We not only improve our students’ English ability but also raise the ESP English ability of students in central Taiwan. To respond to the teaching excellence project, we as a international technology university not only pursuit of being better but also provide the resources with our alliance schools in central Taiwan.

    Our English teaching goals are not only to train the students’ basic communication skills but also hope that they can equip with professional knowledge. Moreover, they can use English and have the strength in career field.  

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