一、申請期限: 111年11月1日(二)至11月25日(五)止,逾期恕不受理。
- 團隊人數至少須有本校大學部學生5人或研究生2人。
- 出國研習期間應至少7天。
- 已取得擬前往國外學校、機構或企業之同意文件。
- 注意事項:
- 本校學生在其就讀之學制期間以補助一次為限,不得重複提出補助申請。
- 同一出國研習計畫或申請補助事由,不得重複向本校其他單位申請補助。
- 經核定補助之研習計畫案,若執行完畢時,已畢業而不具本校在學學生資格者,不予補助。
(一) 申請表。
(二) 出國研習計畫書。
(三) 申請補助學生名冊。
(四) 學生家長或監護人同意書。
(五) 受訪單位同意文件影印本。
(六) 注意事項:學生不得個別提出申請,申請案須由申請單位(團隊)以書面「申請表」提出後經所屬系所初審通過,
七、聯絡方式:國際事務處李小姐 分機2381,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
Student Group Go Abroad Subsidy
I. Who can apply :
Student group with YunTech academic status, which group consists of at least 5 undergraduate students
or at least 2 graduate students.
II. Apply Date: November 1-25, 2022 (go abroad next January to June)
III. About the Grant:
1. The total amount of subsidy for each person is up to NT$10,000, but for each group is limited to NT$100,000 at most.
2. Grant Items(grantees have to pay by themselves in advance):
include air tickets, material costs, registration fees, administrative fees or insurance fees.
3. Although the application case complies with the relevant regulations, the subsidy may not be granted due to insufficient funds.
IV. Apply Procedure:
1.Applicants (by group) should prepare two copies of each of the following documents, and send them to the
Office of International Affairs (OIA) after passed the preliminary review by their department
(signed by the applicant, advisor, department staff and supervisor of the department).
(1) Application Form
(2) Proposal
(3) Student List
(4) Consent form of student's parent or guardian
(5) A photocopy of the agree letter of the interviewed unit
2. After deliberation by the Committee, OIA will notify the Department to inform the application team.
3. Grantee must apply for official business leave for going abroad on the Student Leave Application Online System
(in YunTech SSO) in advance. Students participating in various activities on weekdays or holidays (including summer
and winter vacation) for an official purpose, with no courses scheduled at YunTech during the leave, are still required to
log into the Student Leave Application Online System to apply for leave.
V. Notice
1. With extra funding from else institution (outside school) is allowed, but not inside school.
2. Every student can be granted only once during his/her school system period.
3. After the subsidy is approved, those who have not gone abroad or any change (time, place, etc.) for some reasons have to inform the OIA contact person.
4. For more information, please go to OIA website.
VI. Contact person: Ms. Li, #2381, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
國際事務處Office of International Affairs謹啟