週四, 19 八月 2021 03:13






This letter has the purpose to express my thoughts and emotions about the Chinese class with Joanne Su in which I participated in the winter semester 2012/2013. First I would like to underline the great support and advice Joanne always gave to us via and either outside the lessons regarding our stay in Taiwan, the Taiwanese and Asian culture, the great varieties of food and so much more. Including that in her lessons helped me to put things I have learned into a context and to make it easier to remind and review what she told us. She always used practical examples during the lessons and handled every questions professionally, kindly and with a great amount of patience. Learning in this environment made it easy to see a very quick progress in my writing, speaking and overall communication skills. She even sacrificed her spare time to make it possible for students to catch up when they missed one class.

Joanne Su always followed a reasonable path, which allowed us to learn vocabulary of certain topics that were easy to conncect. She always payed attentino to every student individually and caused by this a great learning success and experience. She even made excusions with our class to practice our achived knowledge practically in a natural environment. She encouraged us to speak Chines to other students and gave developed exercises that made the first contact easier.

I really like her course, I would always do it again and I entrust every foreign students to attent her course to learn more about the Taiwanese culture and language.

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